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Welcome to my blog! Tag as much as you like =D
.Thursday, June 25, 2009 ' 12:48 AM Y

been real busy, so this post came super late and will be super short.
we won treasure hunt!

sadly, school reopens on schedule. haiz.

Music changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Monday, June 8, 2009 ' 9:56 AM Y

went down to marina barrage yesterday with mr koh, wai choong and zhao yuan again, for the last round of the treasure hunt. we're supposed to describe marina barrage in 500 words on the environmental issues and the chemistry involved. so yea, we had to make a trip down to marina bay.

marina barrage dint turn out too bad, i rather thought it was quite fresh and interesting, compared to newater, which is like ZZZ. so basically, its a dam built across the marina channel to separate the seawater and freshwater in the reservoir. not gonna go into the details, cause u can go check it out yourself.

we met at marina bay mrt station. thought wu and i were going to be late, but actually, mr koh and zhao yuan were taking the same train too =P anw we couldn't find the place to take the shuttle bus at first, and spent like 10 mins walking around before we found the stupid bus stop. AND the weather was SUPER HOT. marina barrage has this long stretch which you can walk on, the view's not really breathtaking but still good enough for you to relax. but it's actually quite interesting to see a huge stretch of a life-size dam. o and it turned out that there was actually a "family day" going on at the barrage when we went. we went to the 2nd floor, to this "sustainable singapore" gallery. and it was air-coned woots! =) the gallery was really very good, a lot better than most galleries in singapore, esp newater. there was this damn cool screen-slider kind of thing, where you could slide it to the date which you want, and it will play a video of the date. and i think what makes it best is that there's this small-sized marina barrage in the gallery which gives a demo of what the barrage does.

then, we went to the roof of the barrage. the roof is laid with grass, which is quite unique. but the whole area is HUGE. we went to this place with all the solar panels, the "Solar Park". after that, we went to the "family day" fair thing, but actually to buy drinks + candy floss + play some games XD. i think we left marina bay at around 2+, then after a long time of deciding, they decided to come to my house to play. mr koh wanted to try tennis out lol, apparently he says he was "coached" before =P but too bad, we only played tennis for like 15 mins, but we went to play table tennis and badminton. and then wu and mr koh did their CCC, and they left for wu's hse at around 7+.

for photos, go to http://s41.photobucket.com/albums/e258/dedricktan/ .

Music changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Thursday, June 4, 2009 ' 6:39 PM Y

went to newater visitor centre at sungei bedok yesterday, for round 4 of the treasure hunt. actually, wu, zhao yuan and i were supposed to go on tuesday, but then i had to meet mr chong in school for the paranormal stuff, and we took real long. then, wu and zhao yuan took quite some time to get to newater so they were too late to join the last tour slot of the day. so, in the end, i went alone yesterday, but it was my 2nd time there, so i could still find my way.

anw, our task was to take a unique pic of one or all of the processes of water purification and do a short write-up of no more than 50 words. yea, so i SPAMMED photos. i went for the last tour, the 4 pm slot and the guide was this nice lady. i think there were a few other locals in the group (in the hunt too?? lols), one pair of europeans and lots of malaysian kids. to be honest, i don't think the visit was interesting la, mayb because i've already gone there before. and it so happens that exhibits for water purification were the most dull among everything else. so i had to try all sorts of weird angles to try to make the pictures unique. and the kids were always staring at me when i tried out all sorts of angles, like squatting on the floor, putting the camera on the ground XD yea, and i think one of the more interesting ones i took was of reverse osmosis. it's this long long tubes door, so i put my fingers through them to show the fact that it can filter small particles (ok its lame!) and you can take a look at the pics to see how it turned out =P
oh, but there was this very very nice exhibit/statue/sculpture of raindrops and flowers. too bad it wasn't water purification.

http://s41.photobucket.com/albums/e258/dedricktan/ , there's a total of 100 pics =P

Music changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Sunday, May 31, 2009 ' 12:04 AM Y

JUNE HOLS!!! =))

yup, it's finally here! but NO - it does not mean rest time! gah... can u believe it? we have like 7 projects to do this hols, not counting all the homework and other random stuff...so why am i slacking now??? shit.

ok anw, went for ncw treasure hunt at nus today. team of 4 with mr koh, wu and zhao yuan. tried out circle line frm my hse to serangoon (wu's dad fetched us to nus), it's great and fast, but then i still hv to walk quite a long way.

had to reach nus at like 11+ to register. then, we went to watch the fact or fantasy quiz, there were 30+ teams, but RI only sent 3 teams from chem RA. mr ong was there too. quite interesting quiz, but after awhile it got boring. anw, our race started at 1+. round 1 was this crossword puzzle where we were supposed to find at least 20 names of elements among 40 in a crossword puzzle. we took 4 mins but dats because the first 1-2 mins were wasted on getting a pen lols. ok next, for round 2, we went to this lab where we were supposed to do a few experiments and answer questions. this round was real interesting! okay, i think there were around 8 experiments. ksp was a great help but even he got stumped at sum point in time.

i rmber there was elephant's toothpaste but we didn't do it cause there's no point. question was identify the ingredients (H202 and KI). learnt before in school haha.

there was also this solubility and immiscibility thing where you get different coloured layers, different layers with organic solvents and water and one more thing which i forgot, and also solubility of stuff in organic solvents n water, like iodine in organic solvent to be dark purple. but, we had to use chloroform and i spilled a few drops on my skin! shit carcinogenic thing. there was also this acetate salt too but i cant really rmber cause i know i was quite worried after the chloroform spilled de first time and my hands got quite a bit shaky XD even de prof said "your might wan to get someone else to hold the testtube". and i found out that working under a fume hood is actually quite hard, esp when de cover is down. i tink i should try to get used to it, might be doing a lot of it for my scsf proj.

there was also this slime thing with borax, we were supposed to describe the thing formed. actually for this one, initially we described it as "gel" like but then, some professor there hinted that the title of the experiment was a clue. you see, the title was "gooooeeey smile", and smile's an anagram for slime. but after that, the professor said that "gel" was de better scientific answer compared to the layman term of "slime". haha with mr koh, obv got better scientific answer lol. mr koh was of great help actually, i think we relied on him a lot, not jus in de chem part, but also coz he's de only one who knows de way arnd nus XD

nxt experiment was identify an unknown solution (which was actually quite easy - its potassium permaganate), actually de experiment is just QA with ppt of sulphur from sodium thiosulphate and redox with KMNO4 as the OA. wasted sum time there initially though, because the description of the experiment was wrong.

nxt one, we did this filtration of chilli, and the filtrate we added KI, and we got a YELLOW PPT. shocked?? yep chilli has lead, can u believe all this while when you were eating your french fries with chilli, you're actually consuming lead?? lol ok luckily, after we clarified with de prof, he said that chilli in singapore doesnt hv lead, so dun worry =)

this experiment was COOL! oscillating reaction. solution with hydrogen peroxide, sum iodate, sulfuric acid, sum manganese salt and i tink malonic acid. jus go search oscillating reaction in youtube or something, you'll know what we saw. i took a video too, but i wont post it yet until i get de photos which zhao yuan took today. anw yea, so basically the solution keeps changing colour on its own, and its damn nice. why can't we do this kind of reaction in school as demos haiz... we'll be alot more interested dur classes

i can't rmber the rest of de expts.. mayb i'll update when i remember..
round 3 was actually quite easy, though i tink we screwed it up. just go get a picture of this long crystal, go to a statue on 'waves and particles' and say what chem theory it reminds us of, and lastly, go to a poster and identify and copy de structure of a molecule shown on de poster. this was where we SCREWED UP. we looked at the wrong thing and thought it was methane, when actually it was supposed to be the WATER molecule on the ncw poster. stupid. okay, that's the end of rounds 1-3, will be doing rounds 4-5 in de nxt few days. but rounds 1-3 were FUN. very very fun. great chance to work with mr koh, wu and zhao yuan. really enjoyed myself =D

so we ended quite early actually cause we were running everywhere dur de hunt. im serious.. running. din't manage to take video of mr koh running XD but he was always at the front. u'll laugh like sum mad pig when you see him running =P slacked awhile at some place (i dont know my way round in nus) with aircon, and we chatted for awhile. and we finally decided to go partyworld ktv at clementi. quite ex though for today, since it's weekend. but still, its only once in a while. and i had a GREAT time singing with wu, mr koh and zhao yuan! fun and destressing XD

and before i end, i tink nus is really more rundown than i expected. and nus is super dangerous lols. but thats only when you cant go through a place because its locked, but that happens quite often, so well... anw we had to cross certain places by going the AIRCON WAY... aircon way as in walk on dangerous ledges with the aircon things on it and i'm serious. its like nus become an obs site or something. yea and you'll be without a harness. o and we saw these ppl doin this cool experiment. using water to start fires. they were testing diff mixtures of metals? i dunno, dey said they couldn't reveal. anw, then one guy would spit water at the mixture and de metals get ignited. quite amazing.

today's been an eye-opening and fun experience =)

Music changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Saturday, April 25, 2009 ' 10:49 PM Y

22 days since i last blogged!! AHAHA =P (havent hit the 23 day mark yet)

thurs was track finals! at cck stadium. went there after school. nothing really fresh honestly, the same every year haha. except this year, we got owned haiz.

o new record for b div guys 100m! very spectacular. 10.90 omg by sharir from sports sch.
i remember before the race, someone was beside me saying, "eh sharir going to win the race right?" and then wzy suddenly became abit indignant, "eh hello.. people going for record pls"

anw, our relays were screwed up. VERY screwed up. let's start with c div 4X100 relay. first runner aizat, he's very fast for a sec 1, so it was a good start. went to iman next, still in the tops. but iman didn't pass that well to ezra, so we started to lose out a bit. and last runner was ding hui. ding hui has a really fast start, or he started too early (i dunno). in any case, he went off and ezra couldn't catch up. so in the end, ding hui had to stop abruptly before the 10m mark and then ezra collided with ding hui, and passing was totally screwed. yea u get the idea. but still good quick thinking by ding hui to stop, or else we would have been disqualified.

now to b div 4X100 relay. first leg was jethro. nice start, but i think he isnt in the top of forms now, so he wasnt that fast. next was calvin, no problems here. but we screwed up at fukai, who was the 3rd leg. for sum reason, calvin was alr up to fukai, but fukai hadn't gone off yet. looked like he was dreaming or something haha. anw, so calvin almost collided with fukai (yet again! why did it happen in both relays??) and then fukai sped off. last runner was yeong yang, he was good. we still didn't make it to the tops but he can't be blamed, since he replaced syafiq in the last minute.

at the end, we got 6th for both C and B div. rjc got 1st! well that's expected =D well done! next year, i'm sure raffles track will do even better! and we got a new track shirt again! i'll post pics of it if i remember or if i have time XD

Music changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Friday, April 3, 2009 ' 9:17 PM Y

yesterday was quite a scary day. (all identities will not be disclosed) ever encountered a situation where someone experienced memory loss? yea that's wad happened to one of my closest friends.

the story starts in PE, which was 2nd period. inventing games module, so the game was this dog-and-bone cum basketball thing. each group had like 6 people, and everyone had a number 1-6. then numbers will be called and those called will rush to get the frisbee (so it's like dog and bone) and then play something like basketball after that where you have to shoot into the area to score. so, my team had 6 people and no. 1 was called. he chionged to the middle to get the frisbee and BANG! he crashed head-first with another classmate who came chionging too. it all happened so fast. i think he recoiled and collapsed to the ground and his head hit the ground. both of them seemed quite ok at first, nothing too bad. just bruises and a bit of pain. after awhile, we all thought they were fine. then after that, no. 1 seemed very blur and confused as the game continued on. somehow, he just kept forgetting that he was number 1 and i repeated it a lot of times to him, but somehow he just kept forgetting. i remember how he was suddenly so confused while playing, unsure of which side to score and who were his team members. it doesnt sound much here, but its freaky seriously.

i think after some time, we realised that the problem was actually quite severe. he kept forgetting things that we told him just a few minutes before and he seemed very lost. i even got irritated and raised my voice abit at him. kept thinking he was tryin to pull off a joke! sigh. why didn't i believe him?? i should have known something was really wrong. after that, adrian chng came in and we started questioning him seriously. he couldn't even remember that it was the 2nd period. things were gettin really serious. short term memory loss! i was so afraid that he'd lose all his memory. what if he forgot the people around him? i din't want to lose such a good fren like him. that was the first time in my life i experienced the feeling of being afraid of losing someone. really really worried.

we sent him to general office after that. questioned him more and realised he forgot a lot more things. i tell you, we were seriously freaked out and worried at that time. you don't know how it feels when your friend starts losing more and more of his memory right in front of you. you'd never know when he will look at you with a blank face and wonder who you are. the scary thought was stuck in my mind, i jus couldn't take it away. haiz. ambulance came and paramedics rushed him to sgh. sigh. kinda traumatic.

after school we all went to visit him at sgh. found out he took a CT scan (brain scan) and luckily it showed no problems. but i guess de problem was still quite serious, so they left him in the observation ward at A & E. i think more than half of our class went to visit him, only 3-4 people allowed each time, so we kinda rotated. zz dat stupid idiot, still in such a good mood when everyone was so worried. i went in with ernest, linjin and java. he still couldn't recollect anything that happened in the day gah. luckily, he only forgot that day's events but his long term memory was still there. still remembered all of us. *huge sigh of relief* anw, we left at around evening. but i sms msn convoed him at night lol, well imagine how lonely you'll be in the hospital. was happy to see that he was still his normal self. and he got discharged at around 10 pm.

after all this, it just dawned upon me that everything in life was just so fragile. i could lose the people around me so easily, i really have to treasure them even more now. my friends, my family and the people around me. i don't want to experience a day when i regret not having treasured them before i lost them. sigh. imagine what would happen if he really lost all his memory. he'd be like an empty shell, he'd forget everything, his school, his friends, his life, everything. it is a scary thought.

hope he's hvin a good rest today and is still alright. god bless him. hope he recovers soon =D

Music changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

.Tuesday, March 31, 2009 ' 10:55 PM Y

sometimes i don't know whether what i'm doing is worth it.

Music changes everything<'3
Rock rock rock :D

N Site Master '

15+ (going on 16)
2 Dec 93
1P/2P Perfected '07
3T/4T Taupok '09!!

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N Cravings '

My Wish List ♥

run faster, jump higher, and jump further + grow just a FEW cm taller
more friends! more fun!
Wants a portable DVD player, Nokia 5800, PSP slim, new NIKE shoebag, new hoodie, adidas adiStar LJ, NIKE Zoom Powercat, new pencilcase, Death Note notebook (fake one duh!), Shakugan no Shana II series, Gundam 00 wall poster, NIKE Zoom Forever,
HER <3

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N Entertainment '

N Credits '

Designer : blend-ed.notes♥
Codings : xx .
Image : Paint, xxx
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